


Welcome to the website of Ibrahim A. Halloun.

The site recaps the journey of Prof. Halloun in research and development. It provides research-based resources in the following areas for educators and educationists at all grade levels, especially those concerned with STEM disciplines and convergence education in secondary and tertiary education.


Conceiving the world in all aspects and dealing with it systematically as a world of interdependent systems bring coherence and consistency to our thoughts and actions and synergy to our interaction with others, help us efficiently cope with all changes around us, and optimize the governance of all our institutions. <Details>

Systemic Cognition and Education (SCE)

SCE relies on Systemism to systematize the entire educational enterprise, from pedagogy to governance and from curricula to teacher preparation, and on neuroscience and disciplinary convergence to empower students to cope with our rapidly changing world, think outside the box, and excel in various aspects of life. <Details>

Modeling Theory

Scientific models and modeling are transformed into pedagogical tools and methodology for meaningful learning of physics and other STEM disciplines under student-centered, experiential pedagogy grounded in the philosophy and history of science, cognitive psychology, and reliable educational research. <Details>

Educational Policy

Traditional, century-old pedagogy and governance of education systems ought to be transcended, and daring decisions ought to be made in order to meet the interests of students and all concerned actors and communities and their needs for self-fulfillment and sustainable development. <Details>


Curricula are supposed not to disseminate disciplinary knowledge for passing exams, but to help students develop systemic profiles needed for success, even excellence, in life under systemic pedagogical frameworks that foster disciplinary convergence in experiential, mind-and-brain-based learning ecologies. <Details>

Authentic Assessment

Assessment is not an end by itself but means for helping students develop meaningful understanding of course materials and productive habits of learning and life conduct, whence the need to focus more on assessment “for” learning and, especially, “as” learning than on assessment “of” learning. <Details>


Various theoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy, governance, and curricula need to be constantly evaluated and regulated against reasonable standards and with viable tools and protocols in order to meet the actual needs of students and concerned actors in relation to sustainable development of self and community. <Details>


Systemic initiatives are taken or supported to engrain the culture of excellence in society, beginning with the educational and cultural sectors, and primarily under the umbrella of H Institute and the Coalition for Authentic Reform of Education (CARE). <Details>

About Ibrahim A. Halloun

Prof. Halloun is recognized worldwide for his work on students’ intuitive ideas about the physical world and their novice views about knowing and learning science, and for turning scientific models and modeling into pedagogical tools and methodology for experiential, meaningful learning of physics and other STEM disciplines. <Details>