Disciplinary convergence and profiles focused experiential curricula for excellence in everyday life
Curricula should be designed, implemented, and constantly evaluated and regulated to meet the realities of the time and place and empower students for success in life. Curricula should not be designed for conveying passively and rigidly one-size-fits-all disciplinary knowledge that is good only for passing exams of some sort.
To the former end, SCE calls and provides for:
- The development of systemic curricula that serve clear vision and policies of education in relation to development of individual people and communities, and that aim at bringing up students with systemic 4P Profiles, i.e., with progressive mindsets, profound knowledge, productive habits, and principled conduct in life.
- Systemic pedagogical frameworks that govern learning and instruction dynamically and coherently across all levels in experiential, mind-and-brain based learning ecologies with all needed resources, especially digital technology, designed under, or reliably suited for, such frameworks.
- Teachers to be properly trained and motivated to mediate learning systemically and insightfully in the mentioned ecologies and to be prepared to adapt, and even modify, curricula to meet students’ actual needs and potentials.
- Systemic programs of study designed to empower students for lifelong learning and for coping with our rapidly changing world in the context of only necessary disciplinary knowledge that can be readily transferred across disciplines in the same and different fields, ultimately under differential convergence education.
Select Publications:
Systemic, Praxis-Immersive, Convergence Education (SPICE)
P-SPICE: Physics for Systemic, Praxis Immersive, Convergence Education. (2022). Physics for Teachers, 2, 3-13.
Formal education should empower students for excellence in the 21st century. To this end, it has to immerse students into praxis with systemic convergence lenses that bring together traditionally distinct fields and disciplines for tackling real life issues. With scientific models (conceptual systems) and modeling (systemic thinking) at the core of their discipline, physics teachers can synergize systemic reform in this direction. Full Text.
Systemic, Praxis Immersive, Convergence Education (SPICE) in Higher Education for the 21st Century and Beyond. (May 2021). International Conference on the Future of Learning and Skills, Dubai, UAE.
We live in a rapidly changing world that requires higher education institutions (HEI) to empower students to cope with unprecedented demands and challenges in the workplace and various aspects of life. To this end, Systemic, Praxis Immersive, Convergence Education (SPICE) is proposed whereby HEI: (a) adopt differential convergence education in their majors and curricula, (b) immerse students in insightful, culturally rich praxis, and (c) operate under systemic paradigms that bring about students with 4P systemic profiles. Synopsis & slides
Curriculum Design
Creativity, problem solving, critical thinking: Are they all skills? (February 2023).
A mix-up prevails in the educational literature within and among unidimensional and multidimensional knowledge aspects. Precise knowledge taxonomy based on sound cognitive criteria and cutting across disciplines is necessary to adopt efficient pedagogy for learning and teaching all sorts of knowledge and to design and implement appropriate curricula. Full Text
Curriculum design in the framework of Systemic Cognition and Education: An Introduction. (2018/19).
A working paper designed to guide graduate students in courses about curriculum design and deployment under systemic, learner-focused pedagogical frameworks and not discipline-oriented frameworks. Full Text
Premises for authentic diplomas in the context of reformed curricula and educational systems. (May 2016).
.(مرتكزات أساسيّة لشهادات مصداقة في إطار مناهج تربويّة متطوّرة. (أيّار 2001
General education diplomas must be revamped in the context of reformed curricula and education systems that bring about some reliable passport for student transition to higher / upper level education. That passport might include some form of a “diploma” that does not come about as a consequence of exit exams, but as part of, or as a summative account of, comprehensive school transcripts.
Download full text in: English عربي
From Modeling Schemata to the Profiling Schema: Modeling across the Curricula. (2011). In: Khine & Saleh (Eds), Models and Modeling in Science Education. Boston: Springer.
This chapter outlines the cross over to Profile Shaping Education (SCE predecessor) from Modeling Theory, a research-based pedagogical theory developed by this author that promotes mediated experiential learning of model-laden theory and inquiry in science education. Modeling schemata are generic tools that students use for systematic construction and deployment of scientific concepts and models. Under PSE (and subsequently under SCE), these schemata have been extrapolated beyond the boundaries of science, and a single profiling schema (systemic schema under SCE) has emerged as a major tool to set and deploy benchmarks or outcomes that need to be accomplished in any educational field, and at any grade level. Full Text
Profile Shaping Education: A paradigm shift in education to empower students for success in modern life. (July 2011). The 11th International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group biennial conference, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
This is an early draft of Profile Shaping Education (PSE) which, like SCE, sets to empower students of all levels, especially secondary school and college graduates, with a profile needed for success in modern life. The profile embodies major traits of accomplished people in the workplace and daily life, while it respects the local vision for education and local culture and heritage. Full Text
Teacher professional development and ICT. (November 2010). BETT-Middle East. BETT, Abu-Dhabi, UAE. PowerPoint Presentation
Cognitive development and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). (May-June 2010). UNICEF Workshop. Muscat, Oman. [PowerPoint Presentation]
Curriculum Standards
Experts came together (2011-2013) at Educational Research Center (ERC), under Prof. Halloun’s supervision, and: (a) analyzed certain curricula in Gulf states and other Arab countries in accordance with well-specified criteria and by comparison to respective curricula in other parts of the world, (b), developed and administered student, teacher, and administrator surveys, and analyzed their results, and (c) produced standards and guidelines to reform curricula in question and related teacher preparation programs in concerned countries. Detailed reports came out as a consequence about:
- Common Teacher Education Standards for the Gulf Arab States (GAS).
- Fostering Values Education in GAS Schools of General Education.
- Promoting the Use of Technology in Arabic Language Instruction.
- Pedagogical Framework for Teaching and Learning the Arabic Language in K-12 General Education.
A Pan-Arab Venture: IAB
Foundational work carried at ERC in Lebanon (2008-2014) for the conception of the pan-Arab International Arab Baccalaureate (IAB). Work included the development of:
- IAB pedagogical framework under the name of Profile Shaping Education (PSE) that evolved into SCE.
- Instructional materials, e-assessment, guides, and teacher training files for various disciplines in grades 10-12, in English, French, and Arabic.
- An electronic assessment platform with thousands of items for the above disciplines.
International Arab Baccalaureate: Beyond competencies for 21st century student profile. (September 2013. Plenary paper). Proceedings of the National Symposium on Education and 21st Century Competencies. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman: MoE. PowerPoint Presentation
International Arab Baccalaureate: Student license to the future. (March 2013). Gulf Educational Supplies & Solutions (GESS) and Global Education Forum (GEF). Dubai, UAE. [PowerPoint Presentation]
Toward a comprehensive learning ecology. (October 2012. Plenary paper). Jordanian Ministry of Education Conference on IAB. Amman, Jordan. PowerPoint Presentation عربي
International Arab Baccalaureate. (March 2012. Plenary paper). The 32nd annual conference of Arab ACRAO. Beirut, Lebanon. [PowerPoint Presentation]
Profile Shaping Education & International Arab Baccalaureate. (March 2012. Workshop). ACES conference on EducationalSustainability. Dubai, UAE. [PowerPoint Presentation]
International Arab Baccalaureate: A paradigm shift in secondary education for distinguished achievement in higher education and success in life. (January 2011). BETT seminar. BETT, London, UK. PowerPoint Presentation
Modeling Instruction in High School Physics – USA
Teacher training and instruction manuals, along with supporting materials and program evaluation tools, developed for the NSF funded Modeling Instruction Program at Arizona State University (1993-2002).
Please check <Modeling Theory>.
Curriculum Evaluation
Report on the evaluation of UNESCO’s Science and Technology Education (STE) Programme. (2004).
Evaluation carried out on site in 15 countries and report prepared by J. R. Bibeau, I. A. Halloun, J. May, and V. Reddy. Paris, France: UNESCO.
Factors Affecting Intermediate School Students’ Achievement in Science and Mathematics.
Experts came together at ERC (2013-2014), with Prof. Halloun as PI, analyzed science and mathematics curricula in Gulf Arab States along with related best pedagogical frameworks and teachers’ preparation programs and practices around the world, and subsequently developed, validated, and administered a battery of inventories and surveys about learning and teaching science and mathematics to thousands of students and their parents, teachers, program coordinators, and school principals in a representative sample of intermediate schools (grades 7, 8, 9) across all Gulf states. Results were analyzed and recommendations made for the reform of science and mathematics curricula in these states.
Assessment of learning and evaluation of instruction. (April 2010. Plenary paper). Annual GASERC Symposium on Global School Evaluation. Kuwait, Kuwait. PowerPoint Presentation
Evaluation de l’impact du nouveau curriculum de physique sur les profils conceptuels des élèves du secondaire. (Juin 2008). 4e conférence sur les recherches scientifiques à l’Université Libanaise, Université Libanaise, Beyrouth, Liban. PowerPoint Presentation
Evaluation of the Impact of the New Physics Curriculum on the Conceptual Profiles of Secondary School Students. (2007). Beirut: Phoenix series / Lebanese University.
Lebanese secondary school students’ conceptual profiles in physics are evaluated by comparison to their U.S. peers, in an attempt to ascertain the effectiveness of the Lebanese physics curriculum currently in place. A battery of three instruments were developed and validated to assess student profiles in particular areas of physics. The three instruments were administered to over three thousand Lebanese and U.S. students between 2004 and 2007. Results show that Lebanese students: (a) enter secondary school encumbered with naive conceptual profiles that are at odds with scientific paradigm, (b) fail, after physics instruction, to enhance their profiles and develop them to the level aspired for in the official curriculum, and (c) lag, in most conceptual respects, behind their U.S. peers. Full Text
Normative evaluation of mathematics, science and technology curricula: The case of the modeling curriculum. (2004). Proceedings of the 12th annual meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. Cape Town, South Africa: SAARMSTE.
Evaluation of a given curriculum is not an end by itself, and it does not mark the end of curriculum development. It is an ongoing process carried out throughout curriculum development and implementation for continuous regulation. Regulation at any point may extend from minor refinements of some curriculum components to a radical reform of the curriculum on entirely new grounds. For reliable outcomes and sustainable impact, curriculum evaluation needs to be normative. Normative evaluation is conducted according to well-defined taxonomy of conceptions, processes and trends that students are expected to develop under the given curriculum. It comes out with quantitative indicators ascertaining in terms of pre-established criteria to what extent students have actually met original expectations. Full Text
Evaluating Science and Technology Learning Materials: The Case of the Modeling Curriculum. (2003). UNESCO workshop. Beirut, LB.
Evaluation of science and technology education (STE) materials needs to be normative and carried out according to well-defined criteria and taxonomy of what students are expected to learn with such materials. Data from the evaluation of the modeling curriculum are presented and discussed to illustrate how normative evaluation of learning materials may be conducted in a way to contribute to sustainable reform and meaningful and equitable learning in STE. Synopsis
Lebanon’s new science curricula and modern educational theory. (1998, in Arabic). An-Nahar. Full Text عربي
مناهج التعليم العام الجديدة: أين هي من ” الاتجاهات التربوية الحديثة ” في مواد العلوم ؟ النهار، 14 و15 و17 آب1998
A 3-part evaluation of Lebanese science curricula is reported bearing on the overall pedagogical framework and related tenets and goals assumed for various disciplinary curricula; science programs of study; declared teaching and learning methodologies, assessment, and curriculum evaluation; as well as on the entire educational system. Full Text عربي
Lebanese Public Understanding of Science. (1993). Jounieh, Lebanon: CREST.
A 102 items survey was developed, validated, and administered to about one thousand Lebanese people of different background to ascertain: (a) how interested they are in certain scientific and non-scientific matters related to everyday life, (b) what sources they rely upon to acquire information about such matters, (c) how they would like certain science and technology (S&T) matters to be developed in Lebanon, and (d) their actual knowledge about basic facts, concepts, laws, and methods of inquiry in different scientific disciplines. Results are presented, analyzed, and discussed, and recommendations are made regarding the state of S&T in Lebanon in relation to aspired national development. Cover & TOC
Pour la modernisation des curricula libanais de science. (1989). Lebanese Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 2(1), 5-7.
Grandes lignes d’un curriculum citées et appliquées à la physique. Texte Intégral
Les failles de l’enseignement traditionnel de la physique. (1988). Lebanese Journal of Science & Mathematics Education, 1(1), 10-13.
L’enseignement traditionnel de la physique est critiqué pour avoir négligé l’état intellectuel initial des enseignés, pour ne pas avoir présenté explicitement la structure paradigmatique de la physique, et pour avoir pratiqué l’enseignement de cette science comme un art alors que la didactique des sciences devient une science. Texte Intégral